Sunday, October 11, 2009


I always have mixed feelings about Thanksgiving.  While I have much to be thankful for, Thanksgiving also marks the death of both my grandfather and my great aunt.  So it's with a sense of appreciation for what I have been blessed with along with a sense of loss that I approach this holiday.  Yet I wonder, if I'm the only one who feels this way on this particular holiday?

So often we take for granted all that we have, including the people in our lives.  We become so used to them always being there for us, that we don't really give it much thought.  Mentally we know at some point loved ones will die, yet part of us doesn't really believe there will come a day when they won't be here celebrating the holidays with us.

Thanksgiving is meant to be about spending time together with those you love and giving thanks for all the blessings in your life ~ including the family and friends who share your life.  For it is the people in your life that make life worthwhile ~ the people who share your laughter and love, who are there in your time of need & sorrow; the people who touch and colour your life in a myriad of ways that you don't even realize, until they are gone.

Our biggest blessing is the people who share our lives ~ and for that we should give thanks ~ daily.

May your days be blessed ~ now and always.