As I mentioned in an earlier post, I have just completed a couple of big projects. One of which is the creation of a deck of 60 inspirational/guidance cards. I had them proof-read and last week I contacted my rep. at the print company to set up a meeting to get them printed. Instead of arranging a meeting I was hit with some surprising news; the company had gone into receivership just days before my call.
I was surprised to say the least and it left me wondering "What's the message here?" "Is it a sign?" Now, I truly believe everything happens for a reason, however, I also believe that we don't always know what that reason is at the time. This is where I am now, wondering why this 'block' has appeared just as I was ready to complete this project and where do I go from here?
As with everything in life, there are choices to be made and the choices are always made based on the perspective held. So, I can see this as a 'block' and perhaps a sign that this project was not meant to be and I need to give up and walk away.
Or I can see this as an opportunity to take another look at the project to see if there is something I have overlooked, something that needs to be done before it goes to print, or perhaps another printer will do an even better job at a better price. Or, perhaps there is someone I need to meet with to really launch this project on a large scale.
So often, when we hit a block in the road to our goal, we see it as a sign that 'it wasn't meant to be' and we give up. Yet rarely is this really the case. Often the block shows up when we are closest to achieving our goal. It's purpose isn't to stop us dead in our tracks, it's purpose is to give us the opportunity to double check, to see where there may be a weakness in our plan, or to find a more supportive resource (person, place or thing) that will really pull everything together easily and effortlessly. Instead of focusing on the block, focus on what you need to do to get past the block. If you were driving and something blocked your way, what would you do? You'd find another way!! Whether that meant going around it, climbing over it, tunneling under it, or even backing up to find an alternate route, you know there's more than one way to get where you are going so you'd just get there some other way.
The same applies for 'blocks' that appear in the path to your goals. There are other ways to get around these blocks, it's simply a matter of finding the alternate route. Before you throw your hands up in the air and sigh deeply saying "It wasn't meant to be!!" Take a step back and look around. See what opportunities this block creates, how you can benefit from it, where your plan may need a little extra support. In other words, stop looking at the block and start looking for the 'what'; as in "What have I overlooked?" "What do I need to make this a success?" "What else needs to be in place?" Don't be afraid to tell people you've hit a block, you may find the answer to your block comes through your conversation with someone else.
So as I ponder my choices, I know I will choose to see this project through to completion. I truly believe the deck I created hold messages that will resonate and inspire many, many people, so I have no doubt they will be printed and marketed. It's all just a matter of time and, of course, figuring out the 'what' which interestingly enough, is beginning to show itself.
So remember, don't use the blocks in your path as an excuse not to continue, use them as an opportunity to strengthen your plan and to see other ways to achieve your goals.
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