After feeling so awful, it's surprising how quickly I have rebounded and how good I now feel. Taking the time to stop (or literally being made to stop) while not a ideal way to rest, did have it's up side. Taking a break and just stopping all the craziness of running around and doing things gave me the opportunity to just BE. My attention turned inwards, to my own well being, to my own thoughts, dreams, goals. What I was doing with my time and my life, as well as what I wanted to do but haven't gotten around to ~ yet.
It's not quite October, yet the tree outside my office window is already showing signs of leaves changing colour and dropping. Mind you, I refer to this particular tree as our Lazy Tree, as it is the last one to grow leaves in the Spring and the first to drop leaves in the Autumn. Yet, it does still manage to do all it is supposed to do even though it seems to spend as little time as possible actually doing it. I wonder, does that make it Lazy...or Efficient?!
As I head into the new week, I am beginning to consider what I need to accomplish this week and what on the list is really a priority. I'm very conscious of the now and am making sure I'm scheduling my time in the most efficient way without feeling like I'm burning the candle at both ends. I have both short term and long term projects I'm working on, and while I'm intrigued and excited about all of them, I also know that in order to do what I want to do, I need to pace myself.
As I gaze out my window at the Lazy Tree, I wonder if, perhaps it has the right idea after all. Perhaps what I should consider is doing things in a way that works for me regardless of what everyone else is doing. Like my Lazy Tree who is always last to start growing leaves in the Spring, it begins on it's own schedule and to suit it's own energy and growth. It may be wise for me to work on my own schedule, with my own energy levels, rather than conform to what's expected. I know I have the choice of how quickly or how slowly things get done, so it makes sense to choose the way that will bring me the most happiness along the way.
I think I'll ponder a while longer today ~ and see what choices present themselves when I look at my list through the eyes of choice rather than 'things to do'.
Happy, happy is what I want to be ~ now. :o )
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