I'm curious, do you have a Bucket List (BL)? I don't.
There's just something about it that strikes me as a bad idea, energetically speaking. Perhaps it's just the way I think or the perspective I have on the whole vibrational resonance it carries. To me (and perhaps only me) it is almost like tempting Fate.
Yes, I know, we're all going to kick the bucket at some point, whether we have a list or not. Yet, if you consider how most people speak about their bucket list, doesn't it make you wonder, just a little about the energetic vibration such a list carries?
How do most people speak about their Bucket List? What I usually hear is "it's the stuff I want to do before I die". There's a couple of things that bother me about that statement.
First, it's "WANT to do" not " am doing". So basically, a wish, a dream but not a goal. In other words, there's no real commitment to achieving it. It's like saying "It would be nice if it happened, but I'm not counting on it".
The other aspect is "Before I Die". Really? Have you really made the threat of Death your motivation to dream about doing things on your Bucket List? Does it not strike you as a little incongruent to connect Death with the things that are supposed to be thrilling, exciting, happy adventures? Seriously, how effective has the
approach of Death been in pushing you towards doing the stuff on the list? Have you done any of the 'big' things on your BL? More importantly, have you put anything big ON your BL? Do you constantly add to the list or is it short, simply because you don't intend to do anything on it?
Vibrationally, the 'want to do' and the 'before I die' are not the energies you want to be embracing.
Rather than a Bucket List, how about a Live Life Fully (LLF) List? Rather than "things I want to do" the LLF List is Things I AM doing in this Lifetime. An ongoing and ever growing list of adventures, goals, and moments filled with joy and laughter that I am going to experience with every cell of my being in this lifetime.
Now, be honest, doesn't that sound a whole lot better than a Bucket List?
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