way. Are there drawbacks? Well that depends entirely on your perception; do you consider it a drawback that you will no longer point to others as the source of your unhappiness, your troubles, your struggles, your heartache? If so, then, yep there are drawbacks.
If, however, you perceive it as liberating to know you and you alone have the power to change your life and live as you always dreamed of living, then there are only benefits. Of course first you have to choose to do so, then you have to learn how and learning how requires looking within and being completely honest with yourself; your thoughts, your inner dialogue; your feelings. It's not for the faint of heart; then again, if it was easy, everyone would do it. Of course "once you know what you know, you can't not know it", so opening the door to this type of learning means your perception of your life is going to change; ultimately for the best, though I will admit, at first there may be times when it's a little uncomfortable.
It always makes me smile when clients/students say "well, it's easy for you, you know this stuff". As if by knowing it, you are somehow excluded from living life's experiences; which incidentally is not the case. Just because you know it, it doesn't mean life becomes as smooth as glass (though it certainly feels like it most of the time), it simply means you look within first to figure out what is actually going on. It means you are open to viewing the events and experiences in your life through a multitude of dimensions or filters, looking for the patterns, the symbolism, the higher purpose, the lesson. What this gives you is greater understanding of yourself and ultimately of others.
When you are able to step out of the emotion, the drama of the situation (any situation) and see it differently, it provides insight into what's going on in your life; in how others see you; into what triggers you; what inspires you; what opportunities exist for you; and what lessons are woven into the experience. It gives you the strength needed to navigate your life in a way that will assist you in clearing out whatever needs to be released and at the same time open you to more of what you do want on all levels.
There are times when we know we need to step out, yet we don't, instead we choose to be sucked in and get so caught up in the drama that it drains us. It happens, we are, after all, here in a human body to live the human experience. Even when we know better, we don't always do what we know we should do in certain situations; we are always a work in progress; learning, developing, growing ~ body, mind and spirit. By shedding light onto the events we choose to engage in, we shed light onto the those aspects of ourselves we try to hide and rather than hiding from them we examine them in order to free ourselves from them.
Being able to step out of the emotion and drama takes work, it takes practice, it takes patience, and it means being honest with yourself. The benefits are amazing ~ the journey, enlightening. It all begins with a single step.
Join me and take the first step on your journey to living multi-dimensionally.
Path To Higher Wisdom Level 1 begins May 14th.
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