Thursday, October 6, 2011

From The Heart

I often wonder why people have such a difficult time speaking from their heart.  You would think it would be easy to say "I love you" to someone you love; yet so many hesitate, waiting for the other person to say it first or  say "you know how I feel" rather than actually vocalizing how they feel.  Yet we have no trouble letting them know when they disappoint us, hurt us, let us down; and often in no uncertain terms.

Considering all the things we say to people throughout the course of a day, you would think that expressing love would be the nicest thing we could say.  Those three little words convey a depth of emotion, a heart to heart connection,  giving support, faith, encouragement, warmth, security, trust, unconditional love, all wrapped up together.  Everyone loves to hear the words, yet how often do we say them?  Why are we always waiting for the other person to say them first?

What fear holds us back from saying it?  Is it really just the fear of "what if they don't say it back?"  Or is it the fear of being vulnerable and open?  Why do we fear trusting those we love?  After all, if we can't be vulnerable and open with those we love, then who can we be open and vulnerable with?

Perhaps it's the constant monkey mind chatter (that incessant voice in your head) telling you all the reasons why you are unlovable and why you shouldn't let others know you care.  Or perhaps it's society's influence that "you've got to be tough", "never let them see you cry", "don't give them something they can use against you"  somehow turning an admission of love into a weakness rather than a strength.

Yet if you really think about it, love is the ultimate strength.  Knowing you are loved gives you courage, whether it's the courage to try something new, to heal from an illness, to forgive a transgression, to reach out to someone in need; it all comes from being loved and loving others.  There is comfort and security in knowing you are loved; that there are people in your life who know who you are and love you unconditionally simply because you are you.  While you know it in your heart, hearing it from time to time makes your heart sing, lifts your spirits and gives you a sense of joy and belonging.

To be loved is a wonderful thing; to tell others you love them is a gift beyond measure.  Isn't it time to speak from the heart and say those three little words....I Love You.   Do it, do it now...there are people in your life who need to hear it and feel it.  If you truly love them, tell them.


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