Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Peace On Earth

A common theme at this time of year is one of Peace On Earth.  With so much unrest in the world it seems like it is an impossible dream to live in a peaceful world and we lose hope that there will be peace in our lifetime.

Yet if our outer world is a reflection of our inner world, then we need to ask ourselves "Where are we at war within ourself and our own life?"

Peace, like change, has to start within us.  If each of us looked within ourselves, would we find peace or chaos or even hatred and war?  Think about it, how do you feel about yourself?  Do you really love who you are?  Are you at peace with your looks, your personality, your job, your health, your mental, emotional and spiritual aspects?  What about your relationships, are they peaceful? Are the lines of communication open, ensuring honesty and compassion are a natural part of all communication within your relationships?  

How can we promote peace, be a channel for peace if within us resides self-loathing; anger, resentment, jealousy, chaos, deceit, hatred, or envy?  If we cannot come to terms with our own relationships, to honour and respect each other on a personal one-to-one basis, to create peace within our own lives, how on earth can we expect nations to create peace globally?  

Simply put, to create Peace on Earth we must first create peace within ourselves.  Only when we know peace within our own life will we be able to then create peace in the world around us.

May there be peace in our world, and let it begin with me...

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