A strange thing happened the other day, I was introduced to someone by a colleague, and the introduction went something like this: "This is Bren, she's a Transformational Guide who helps people make changes in their lives... and she's a published author."
It caught me by surprise. A published author?...wait, that's right, I have been published; more than once in fact. However, it was strange to be referred to as a published author because I don't necessarily think of myself that way.
This event caused me to take a look back, actually a long look back to just over a decade ago, when I first started working with a coach. I was still in a corporate career back then and the company had decided bringing in coaches to work with various departments and individuals would help improve the overall workings of the company. So I ended up working with two different coaches. One worked with our department as a team, the other, I worked with one-on-one. I won't discuss how the team coaching went, but I will share my personal coaching experience.
One of the first things I needed to figure out about my coach was if our coaching sessions were really private. I wanted to ensure that what we worked on and discussed wasn't going to go back to my Director or my Vice President. So I will admit I tested him out and the work we did together stayed very corporate and did not venture into the personal realm at all. Then once I was certain our conversations and work were indeed private, things quickly changed.
I startled him one day by announcing that I had a couple of goals I wanted to work on with him that had little to do with my corporate job. The first was to get published; the second was to get out of the corporate job I was in and have my own business within five years. Needless to say, he was a little surprised, but to his credit and ability, he agreed to help me attain both and assured me no one would know of my plans to leave.
It was at this point in my life, this goal, that started me down the path to being a published author. I have always enjoyed writing, however I wasn't sure people would enjoy reading what I wrote, so I never submitted my writing to magazines or publishers or even blog posts. The most I ever wrote was a monthly newsletter for a professional organization. To be honest, I'm still not all that sure people enjoy what I write, the only difference now is, I write it and post it and then hope it resonates with those who choose to read it.
An amazing thing happened as I worked with my coach on my goal to being published. I was attending a meeting one night and met the editor of a woman's business magazine. We chatted for a bit and then we were joined by another colleague who told the editor that I was a writer; I was stunned, did my colleague actually say that to an editor? What was she thinking? The editor turned to me and asked one question "Are you any good?"
How exactly was I supposed to answer that? My response was "I think I am".
The editor looked at me and replied, "Well then, write an article, send it to me and if it's any good, I'll publish it."
In my next coaching session I relayed the experience to my coach who was thrilled for me. I on the other hand was a little nauseous, kind of queasy and yes, a little scared. Back then I didn't realize you should feel this way when you are close to accomplishing a big goal; and all your goals should be big. A goal is supposed to be achievable yet also a stretch, something big, challenging, exciting, so it thrills you when you accomplish it.
My coach pushed me to write the article. He became that voice in my head; yes, I will say that 'nagging voice in my head' that reminded me I already had an editor waiting to read my work; I didn't need to knock on doors and ask to be considered, I had someone waiting, all I had to do was write. So with great trepidation I contacted the editor and asked how long of an article and if there was a particular topic she wanted me to cover. She gave me an overview of the type of article and indicated it needed to be approximately 1,200 words; it was going to be a two page article.
I couldn't believe she wanted a two page article from me. Now I will admit I panicked. I had said I wanted to be published and yet in my mind I had thought of this goal as a long term goal; something that would take me, oh a year or two to accomplish, yet it had only been a month since I originally announced the goal to my coach and already I had an editor waiting to read my work. Granted it didn't guarantee it would be published, but the speed at which this goal was manifesting was astounding. I sat down and wrote the article. Then I re-wrote it. Then I left it for a few days and re-read it; then edited it. It was finished, but I hesitated over sending it in. It sat as an attachment in a draft email on my computer for days.
My coach worked with several staff members in my company so I would see him not just during our meetings but also in the halls of my office. Each time he would say "Have you sent it?" and I would shake my head no. Finally he showed up at my desk one day and said "Send it now, while I'm here." There really wasn't a reason not to send it, other than I was afraid the editor would hate it. So with my coach standing beside me, I sent it and waited.
It seemed like forever before I got a reply. In reality it was probably about a week, but anyone who has ever waited for an answer knows how you can torture yourself with self-talk. "She hates it", "I should have rewritten it", "I should have taken a different perspective", all kinds of thoughts filled my head. My coach's response was simple and straight-forward "wait for an answer".
Finally, I got a response. She liked the article, in fact she was going to publish the entire article in an upcoming edition without additional editing; it would be printed. My coach was impressed and pointed out that it's not often that the first piece of work a writer writes actually gets published let alone published without revisions or editing. Part of me was overjoyed with what I had accomplished, the other part of me couldn't believe I achieved this goal in only four months. It didn't take the two years I expected; it came together as if by magic. Once I had committed myself to the goal, the pieces came together, things aligned because I was aligned and clear on what it was I wanted. It seemed simple, almost too simple and I really couldn't believe it until I actually had the magazine in hand and saw the two page article with my name on it.
Since then I have co-authored the book, Dying To Live Well, with Renate Weiler, Kim Redman, and Deborah Johnson. I write a monthly newsletter along with this blog, and I have written a deck of inspirational cards which I plan on having published. So, yes, I am published author.
As for the other goal, the one about being out of a corporate job within five years, that happened as well. I was conveniently downsized, given a severance package, and I stepped out the corporate door and into the life I live now as a Transformational Guide.
Some times it takes hearing it from someone else to remind us of our accomplishments. The goals we set in the past and accomplish, then pave the way for how we choose to live our life and the goals we set in future. My journey out of a corporate job and into a profession I love started with having a coach, creating a plan and setting goals. Along the way I have become an author, a Master Practitioner, a Transformational Guide, and a coach. I live my passion and assist and guide my clients so they are able to live their passion as well.
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