It's amazing how many people have a long list of priorities, yet they are not on their own list.
While it's admirable to put the needs of others first, the reality is, in order to be able to continue to meet the needs of others, one needs to have their own needs met first. In other words, a person cannot continually care for others without caring for themselves, yet so many people continue to try to do just that and the end result is usually exhaustion, resentment, and often illness.
Ask yourself this question "Am I at the top of my priority list?" and if the answer is "no" then ask "Am I even ON my priority list?" and if the answer is still "no" then it may be time to reconsider your priorities.
For some reason society seems to equate taking time for ourselves with being selfish. When did taking time for our own well-being become an act of selfishness? When did getting enough exercise and rest, eating well and taking care of our mental, emotional, spiritual and physical states, enjoying time with family and friends become selfish? Why have we put the well-being and care of everyone else (our husbands/wives, parents/children, friends/colleagues, career) above our own? Why are their needs/demands more important to us than our own well-being and are we really prepared to pay the price that is attached to this belief?
We have become a society that is always rushed, stressed, exhausted and frankly over-medicated. Ulcers, sleepless nights, acid reflux, aches, pains, migraines, and no time to do what's necessary for our well-being, but just enough time to take a pill to treat the symptom but not the cause because it would be selfish to say: I need to go to the gym or to yoga, or I need a break so I'm going out for coffee with friends or to a movie, or for a walk, or any other thing that would give you time for yourself to regroup and gain a sense of well-being and rejuvenation.
We have become a society that is always rushed, stressed, exhausted and frankly over-medicated. Ulcers, sleepless nights, acid reflux, aches, pains, migraines, and no time to do what's necessary for our well-being, but just enough time to take a pill to treat the symptom but not the cause because it would be selfish to say: I need to go to the gym or to yoga, or I need a break so I'm going out for coffee with friends or to a movie, or for a walk, or any other thing that would give you time for yourself to regroup and gain a sense of well-being and rejuvenation.
Your own well-being should be a priority for you. When you feel well, you are able to do more: for yourself, for your family, for others you have made commitments to. Taking time for yourself, in whatever form gives you that sense of well-being, rejuvenation and relaxation is a necessity to living life fully. Put yourself on the top of your priority list and you will be amazed by how taking care of you will make it easier to continue to meet and take care of all the other priorities. Think about it, even the airlines tell us "Put your oxygen mask on first, then assist others". They know you have to take care of you first in order to be of help to others.
As the saying goes "You don't know how important good health is until you don't have it".
It's a whole lot easier to maintain good health than it is to regain good health.
It's a new year, a new beginning and a good time to review and update your priorities. Make sure you are at the top of your own list.
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